Celzium 'Bug checklist' - Some 'Quick' Common know Bugs, and work arounds -

No.0 - parsing error on .dae

culprit: Make sure on the generation page in your browser, on the bottom it says:
'- celzium#00 - celzium#01 - celzium#02'ShapeOne' - celzium#03'DNA' (and you can now skip to No.1)
If not read furter...

I updated the celzium generation page recently for #02 and #03, it's possible when generating the .dae file your still have an old cached version just for celzium #00 and #01 running. That can cause errors.

If that happens, look at the collada file, the 'count' with just before every data-block and numbers.. it will show NaN(Not a Nuber) like id="mm-positions-array" count="NaN" (This will result in a corrupt .dae file.)

solution: Make sure the generation page in your browser, on the bottom it says:
'- celzium#00 - celzium#01 - celzium#02'ShapeOne' - celzium#03'DNA' '

If not.. Rightclick your mousebutton to reload the frame incase, or use the direct url to the generation page.

No.1 - Another parsing error on .dae

culprit: Current Internet Explorer, does not generate the collada.dae file correctly. (So don't use IE for .dae generation at the moment!)

solution: Generate the .dae file in Firefox (fastest. September 2013) / Chrome / Opera / Safari (currently tested on windows)

No.2 - still a parsing error on .dae

solution: Save your .dae file in plain text editor (that doesn't modify or change the text/formatting)

On windows I use notepad++('free') to save my .dae files.

On the mac there are several plain text editors as well (some free) If you have a good tip on what to use on the mac, let me know.

No.3 - Server/sim lag - chat output in the wrong order!

culprit: SL-server lag? - Sometimes when pressing generate, the output comes out corrupted and in the wrong order like

Getting data (10 seconds)
[10:13] celzium: sub-mesh found : 4 || vertices used : 56
[10:13] celzium: ----------------------------------------start----------------------------------------
[10:13] celzium: 98.849170 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 3
[10:13] celzium: 96.959050 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 1
[10:13] celzium: 98.203750 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 2
[10:13] celzium: -----------------------------------------end-----------------------------------------
[10:13] celzium: 97.562020 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 0

Solution: Incase the celzium pad behaves wierd, you can try to delete it, and rez a new one, or reset it.

To reset your celzium builds or celzium pad press:
Build > Scripts > Set Scripts to running
Build > Scripts > Reset Scripts

You can also use this, when you rez your backed-up build from inventory, so the celzium pad can find the build.

Or fix it temporary by hand in a text editor, so the data information is between the start and end.
[10:13] celzium: ----------------------------------------start----------------------------------------
[10:13] celzium: 98.849170 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 3
[10:13] celzium: 96.959050 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 1
[10:13] celzium: 98.203750 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 2
[10:13] celzium: 97.562020 156.059200 125.512100 -1.570796 0.000000 1.570796 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000 5 14 0 0
[10:13] celzium: -----------------------------------------end-----------------------------------------

No.4 - Server/sim lag - Some of my sub-meshes/parts in my build are not showing up/missing in the final generated .dae mesh!

culprit: SL-server lag? - I noticed recently, on a 'busy' mainland sim, with a lot of little plots and tons of scripts around, that some parts of my builds were not showing/finding all the sub-mesh in the build that I wanted to created.

Solution:Link your build together, (ctrl-L) (..and back-up your build in your inventory)
tip: if you press (ctrl-shift-L) it de-links your build again, and shows you how much sub-mesh are in the build. (then you can link it together again.)

If you generate your build again, and the number of sub-mesh in your build is different from the [Time] celzium: sub-mesh found : xxxx || , then you got sim-lag I guess.

Quick solution number 1: link your build together, back it up to your inventory, and rez/reset and generate it in a sandbox somewhere else on the grid.

I had no trouble generating 200+ submeshes in 10 seconds like celzium 00 and 01 does. In regular sims and 'regular' cleaned' sandboxes around the grid.
But on laggy sims, generating a build with 50+ sub-meshes. Could result in in a different number of sub-mesh found everytime, I pressed the generate button.

For Celzium #02 and Celzium #03 I increased the generation time from 10, to 20 seconds. incase sim-lag will happen, you can choose the celzium pad #00 and #01. for generating the data faster in 10-seconds, or celzium #02 and #03 for getting/generating the data slower in 20 seconds. (hoping to bypass some server-lag)

Incase your build is still missing out on mesh parts, and your sim is lagging. The only solution for the moment, is to take your build to a fresh sandbox around the grid. reset, and generate it there. (like at the 'ivory tower - Library of primitives' sandbox, or another sand-box you prefer.)
(I only recently encountered this problem, so not 100% sure it's a temporary. sim/LL problem)

No.5 - renaming the celzium tool

culprit: I made the celzium pad modify, so people can rescale it etc. But if you rename the pad other then celzium, it will not generate anything at all! And will hang on 'Inspecting text data'

Solution: make sure all your different pads all/still have the name celzium

No.6 - celzium pad crashes / out of memory

culprit: Sometimes a pad can become buggy it seems, or get out of memory, like when too much sub-meshes are rezzed.

Solution: Reset the pad by
Build > Scripts > Set Scripts to running
Build > Scripts > Reset Scripts

If you go over 200 sub-meshes rezzed the lsl-script-memory (max 16k) can get full / overflow that will result in an LSL script-error message, and celzium will stop responding.

Delete or mute some of the sub-meshes in your build, to make it work again.

Currently, I didn't put a 'hard' limiter on celzium; since I created some builds with like 216 sub-meshes.
(Also in the future, if the script-memory gets larger in SL then just the 16k now, more shapes can be rezzed then. who knows one day!)
But with different shapes or depending on the sim? it can crash. With larger builds like with 200+ shapes. just you know, and reset the tool if this happens. (and try to generate it again with less sub-meshes)

More updates here .. in the future, incase you got any questions or remarks, let me know in SL: Cel Edman