thanks to / sponsored by
Some changes in Sculptypaint v0.93
To LOAD !! a Sculpt-image/Reference-image/Texture in Sculptypaint 0.93 just drag and drop it onto the application
You can Zoom in/out; or translate the model a bit using the arrow keys.
2 little trees, around 1.2(m) high, LandImpact: 1 (125 and 111 sub-meshes used, 5 textures) Created with Celzium#03'DNA' my inworld mesh creation tool
Celzium on the SL-marketplace:
celzium#00 (100L$)
celzium#01 celzium#02'ShapeOne' celzium#03'DNA'

I started working on
Celfuuu on February 26, 2014.
Celfuuu is an tool to create 3D models in a browser using WebGL/Javascript/HTML5, then export the models as a .dae collada file. Then you can load them in like blender/sketchup, Secondlife/opensimgrids, print them out in 3D. etc.
You can buy some of my 3D printed models in
My shop on shapeways
last update September 17, 2015
Sculptypaint-2 early alpha - sculptviewer in a browser, using webGL/javascript.
Sculptypaint2 - youtube video-intro
last update September 14, 2015
Please, PLEASE help me! I love, adore SculptyPaint! It is a brill program!
But since about three Java and at least one Windows update ago,
I can't get it to run on my computer.
How To run Sculptypaint from Processing
Download: SculptyPaint v.093 release
- Sculptypaint Windows
- Sculptypaint Linux
- Sculptypaint MacOSX
- Sculptypaint Processing files to run it from processing
SculptyPaint is a low polygon 3D creation tool
original written for creating sculpts; 3D low polygon models for SecondLife. But currently it can also export to .obj files that can be read in Blender, wings3D etc. You must see this software as a personal sketch/experiment; and it`s the first application I wrote.
Thanks to Saijanai Kuhn(sl) for chmod`n the mac version.
Requires: Java Runtime Engine 1.6 or higher
installed on your system. In case you can't get it to work, check here for some tips.
Tutorials & Links and Info:
- SculptyPaint Tutorials
- Sculpted Prims: 3d Software Guide @
- My shop on the beach (slurl) in Claremorris [PG] (4,25,23)
About me:
I'm an artist/designer/coder, working in the new-media sector since 1993. Since 2003 an Independent Online Media Professional. I design, paint, make software; art, write my own tools, visual-generators and opensource software, and make my living/income from the internet.
Elout de Kok - The Pixel-Lab -
SL name: Cel Edman
Sculptypaint its source is provided under the Creative Commons license.
and is compiled with Processing 0148
Please, help to keep Sculptypaint and the Pixel-Lab online!
How can you help?
- Buy some of my 3D models and sculpt-textures in secondlife.
(I allow people to use my sculpt-textures in other opengrids like inworldz.)
-> the Pixel-lab store at Claremorris [PG] (slurl)
-> Cel Edman's products (sl marktetplace)
- You can donate some L$ to 'Cel Edman' in second life
note: Paypall-Europe got a difference between 1,00 or 1.00!