2011/06/10 |
pixel-lab.org work in progress; countdown 3,2..
2007/07/10 |
Designed a new website for DMDB WebCommuncatie (dutch)
Working a lot on sculptypaint, a 3D model editor/manipulator. Sculpties were introduced in Second Life around 25may 2007, and a lot of people are looking for easy way to create 3D models, since most 3D software packages are a pain to learn to a lot of people.
2007/02/15 |
Added new work to the index page.
2006/03/18 |
No news, good news!
Did a little update on the site, like updated my home and bio-page.
2005/08/8 |
Vj`n at lowlands, 19 august. Biddinghuizen (nl).
Jamming with the Texelse boys collective.
2005/05/8 |
Having a 10-day workshop & creative coding session, with lab-au & Muldr. Creating new works for the 'Victorian Circus' festival, Amsterdam (nl).
And giving a VJ workshop at p60, 20 may, Amstelveen (nl).
2005/05/8 |
Having a 10-day workshop & creative coding session, with lab-au & Muldr. Creating new works for the 'Victorian Circus' festival, Amsterdam (nl).
And giving a VJ workshop at p60, 20 may, Amstelveen (nl).
2005/04/28 |
Working on my new pixel-lab design/makeover for 2005.
Marwin Vos got her poems online.
2004/12/26 |
Best wishes and a very good 2005!
2004/12/06 |
Started to adjust some of my shockwave animations, since the latest shockwave plug-in update; my mouse position/calculation is handled different then before, with some nasty interaction result, the only solution now, trying to fix most of those movies I created in shockwave for the last few years.
2004/12/03 |
Just finished this commercial webdesign-job for a dutch info/commercial site: www.zorgverzekeraars.nl
This site gives information about the new 2005 changes for the dutch healthcare system. (and will be online for about 4 months)
Created in 5 days (@ 8 hours); design, coding & 42 html pages. All of the navigation & design is controlled with one stylesheet and one javascript. (accept for the homepage). Making it very flexible to add or change; the text, global design or the navigation.
Although it`s just a 'static' website, no database or serverside scripting, using javascript to change navigation or design, gives a lot of flexibillity, just edit this javascript-file, and the whole site, including all the html-pages will change on the fly.
This pixel-lab need a makeover as well, since the design & code hasn`t been changed for the last 3 years. Well if I`ve any time, I will.
2004/11/24 |
In the style of my zelf-portrait series, I decided to do a url-series dedicated to internet sites, I almost visit daily, check them in 2004 section.
2004/09/19 |
Added 2 .exe and a processing-experiment to the 2004 section.
2004/09/09 |
Today my work is showcased at amoda - austin texas (us).
Further I was listing to l`electrique (winamp radio), when this great song came along. 'Seventeen' by ladytron Lucky they have this song & videoclip online (in their multimedia section). I vj`d for one of the guys of ladytron this year, so that makes it more special for me.
2004/09/02 |
visual sensations - a dutch/belgium vj-contest
yesterday, me and 7 other vj`s were selected for the regional finals; north-west holland: 11 december 2004 haarlem (nl).
2004/06/29 |
Just (almost) finished this site:
"The Outsider Series" is an art project in the form of a television series, internet and promotional campaign. Through the project, Peter Distol gives his amazing mother, Tanya Distol, an audience to share her adventures with. By telling her story, Tanya reflects a mentality and a larger group of people. The goal of the project is to reach that group. Bring spotlight to, encourage and even literally help them.
2004/06/07 |
Sorry, about no new regular news updates recently, it means I`m busy, working and surviving..
You can espect some update on this site hopefull soon! I have some 'paid-in-full' deadlines first, second some 'artistic' todo ++stuff around that needs attention.
This means less time for updating this current site.
2004/04/11 |
Tonight a vj-jam with vj zanne (her site temp offline.) at the awakenings festival amsterdam (nl).
Further working on this GOT 5KB contest
2004/03/15 |
I`m the lucky winner of the kraftwerk afterparty vj competition, so i will have another vj-gig 29 march in amsterdam. Thanks to the all the people of the organisation, electronation and 'p60. And respect to all the other vj`s, they all showed high quality work. Giving me inspiration.
2004/03/11 |
Just finished a 3 day 'visual coding' workshop at the
jan van eyck academie - maastricht (nl)
Upcoming vj-gig; I`m one of 12 vj`s selected for the www.electronation.nl 'vj-ology' - vj-competition 12/13 march 2004 || location 'p60' amstelveen (nl)
I just like to see the other vj`s performing as well, every vj has their own style style and this gives me new ideas and inspiration. Ofcourse I just want to rock the crowd-socks off @ 180 FPS (Frames Per Second).
And ahum.. still no time for the general 'site-2004' update. Hope to fix this soon.
2004/02/15 |
A little p5/ toxi portrait thing going;
2004/02/11 |
Almost finished the 'zab0' 2004 version - zabnulvier for computerfinearts.com
My zelf-portrait series have been selected by Ciberart-Bilbao 2004 Festival.
Listening recently a lot to www.deepmix.ru, they have also some nice sets online. (under the 'selected' section.)
Personal fav.. ; Dj Face off - Dub Mix.. And The Michael Bylov Sessions part 1/2
2004/01/17 |
Been busy doing different stuff, like thinking/coding about a new design for this lab. xhtml/xml this time?! No more tables?! pure div`s?! dynamic javascripted menu`s etc.
Still doing vj-gigs all around, and the party 2004/01/09 utp-utrecht(nl) rocked :)
Started in diggin into & building some vj-software this time based on the free dev-c++ from bloodshed.net. I had stop working with SDL, because it doesn`t support dual screen/window support. So digging into ms-window stuff, and trying to find the same alternative thing for my 'new' debian linux-box. (and it will go opensource, somewhere in the future.)
2003/11/14 |
Added peterl v.003
portret series - Peter Luining from www.ctrlaltdel.org
2003/11/09 |
Today, sundaymorning from 1.00am till 7.00am cet.
Bellisima TV is showing a 4 hour documentry about the test-portal festival, on the local amsterdam cable network.
Some of my work and the offline-crew is also shown.
You can view it live, while it last here. (real-media)
2003/10/27 |
I got hit by metafilter, thanks for the referrer and the >1500 visitors.. since yesterday. enjoying it. (and at the same time, checking my bandwidth-limits)
upcoming vj-gigs;
2003/11/05 || vj-gig || Dutch Electronic Arts 2003 party (invitation only) || with Stylus DJ`s || utrecht (nl)
2003/11/01 || vj-gig || club stalker afterhours vj-gig >12 pm || haarlem (nl)
2003/11/01 || vj-gig || very important plastic - nieuwevide ±5 pm || performing together with dj-fidel || haarlem (nl)
2003/10/21 |
I was working on this c/openGL fly-over animation
Anyway, I needed loads of 'random-based' low-polygon 3D flower models and wrote this 3D thing in processing.
upcoming vj-gig;
2003/11/01 || vj-gig || Very Important Plastic - nieuwevide || haarlem (nl)
2003/10/10 |
Added a new version of 'cdc' the colcity version. A windows .exe, that needs at least a fast openGL supported graphic card to run ok.
some snapshots of this work can be seen here
And changed the frontpage, added a seperate news section.
Peter Luining interviewed me, for www.netartreview.net
2003/09/28 |
2003/10/17 || vj-gig || 10 year`s conscious dreams party (invitation only) || ruigoord (nl)
2003/10/03 || vj-gig symmetrixx || utrecht (nl)
|| dj`s/artist:
john selway (us)
- neil landstrumm (ir/us)
- tobias von hofsten (no)
- stephan en vincent de wit (nl)
- stineaux (nl)
and still doing some p5> processing
2003/09/10 |
upcoming vj-gig at www.kunstmarktdebilt.nl 2003/09/13 | de bilt (nl)
I will VJ for/with two young Dutch poets; Ingmar Heytze & Tjitske Jansen, and dj Fred Siebelink
new! > processing @ the pixel-lab
quoted from proce55ing.net
Processing is a context for exploring the emerging conceptual space enabled by electronic media. It is an environment for learning the fundamentals of computer programming within the context of the electronic arts and it is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas.
The software is currently in a prerelease stage, but bug fixes are being made as we head toward a more complete "1.0" release. Processing will be free to download and available for Mac, PC, and Linux.
Processing is an open project initiated by Ben Fry and Casey Reas. It is currently developed in the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the MIT Media Lab, the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, and by a group of distributed developers across the Net.
2003/08/23 |
Another 'portret' series v.002 is online, this time 'atty' (coding; java)
I also put another older experiment in the 2003 section called 'alper' (.exe coding; c/openGL) although it really needs a fast graphic card to perform ok.
Almost everyday I`m hanging around at test-portal (14-31 august in Amsterdam).
2003/08/09 |
Busy preparing stuff for test-portal that will happen from 14-31 august in Amsterdam.
I will perform with the open digi party/offline collective.